As part of the Romford Development Framework to guide the future development of the Town over the next 20 years, the London Borough of Havering established six strategic objectives creating a number of ‘quarters’ or character areas in an attempt to redefine and strengthen existing functions and characteristics to make the Town Centre more coherent, legible and distinct.
This involved the creation of a new Station Quarter, focused on the enhanced public transport connectivity brought by Crossrail to the areas north and south of the station area.
Proposals are being developed for Station Quarter South, which has been identified as an area in which can be created a high density mixed use development, incorporating a range of uses, based around commercial and residential uses in a cluster of tall buildings located within high quality public spaces.
Part of the proposals is to improve the existing rail station and its accessibility, to rationalise and improve the bus terminus facilities and waiting area to South Street, including improvements and alterations to existing traffic patterns, and to create a high quality public realm and an attractive pedestrian environment with active ground and lower floors.