Triggered by the announcement by Transport For London that they were to build a new railway station on th
e C2C Purfleet line out of Fenchurch Street Station at Beam Park – as part of a major new redevelopment masterplan for the area, the site of the former Newsfax printing works site immediately adjacent was identified as a prime site for the establishment of a 300 bedroom 4 star Hotel
In conjunction with the Regeneration and Development Group at the London Borough of Havering, proposals have been developed and submitted for Pre-Application Planning Stage for a 300 bed 4* hotel offer, with 500 seat banqueting suite, a Micro-Business Accelerator business start-up facility ( net 12, for up to 90 start-up units), conference facilities for up to 250 delegates ( with 18 meeting rooms of various configurations – interchangeable).
The scheme developed is to capitalise on the massive scale regeneration of this area, its improved railway connectivity (once the new Beam Park station is in operation – scheduled for 2022) and its good accessibility to the A13, and beyond to the M25; with the creation of an iconic landmark structure.